More often than not, we find ourselves betrayed by institutions we trust; a public figure embroiled in scandal, a bank that inexplicably deducts the last of your paycheck even when you're certain you paid on time, or a faltering government hemorrhaging money.

These are false idols.  

They undermine your trust, deplete your resources, and while offering little power, constantly remind you of their dominance. 

Our world is riddled with these false idols:  

Get-rich-quick schemes that multiply like heads of hydras.  

Promises of purpose rooted in hatred.  

advice and direction from those eager to lead you astray from your community and friends.

A false idol embodies fake significance, empty authority, and feigned confidence.  

While false idols are necessary, even mandatory, we must always recognize their true nature.

We must remember that there is no singular source of wisdom, no definitive authority, and that nothing is wholly certain.

We must recognize that these are false idols.
